Create Your Own Fashion Blog by Holly M Smith

You spend hours online fake shopping for shoes. You know every piece from every fall collection in paris, you are known for your everyday amazing outfits, or maybe just like to collect images of models and inspiration. Whether you dress in couture or dream about cosplay, there is a fashion blog waiting to happen in your personal tastes and ideas! Thrust yourself amongst the ranks of the best fashion blogs out there and become the sartorialist you never knew you could. Creating a fashion blog can be as easy as 5 simple steps.

1. Pick a topic: general or specific?

Every girl and guy out there thinks their style is unique, so what makes your blog different from the all of the rest? If your unique wardrobe and styling efforts are what you're known for, a daily outfit blog with pictures and details of your clothing choices can be a great place to start. There are many sites you can look at for inspiration (celebrity, gossip, accessories, deals, D.I.Y) or create your own unique topic to express to the world!

As the amount of people blogging increases, blogging can become super specific and segmented. You could create a blog as specific as patent leather headbands and gain a successful following for your love of super specific fashion accessories! be yourself- write ⁄ wear ⁄ photograph ⁄ reblog ⁄ what you know and what you love. An audience who loves the same things will find you and you will establish a human presence with them.

2. Pick a name: establish your image

Quirky or catchy names can certainly sell an image quickly, but if all else fails incorporate your name or the name of your favorite subject in your title! Keep is short and sweet or east to remember!

3. Social network: irl and url

So now of course, you have to create the actual blog, and how to decide which platform is the best for you? For beginners, there are many free and easy websites like tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, and even instagram, Twitter or a Facebook page. All of these platforms are customizable enough to show your style as well as easy enough to use everyday and without much hassle. These sites, among others also integrate smoothly with each other as well as mobile devices and social management networks like HootSuite, to help you post content as easily and often as you can.

Once you have created your blog, it can help to join other sites under the same title and network with potential followers, linking back to your blog and getting your name and description out there! Following and commenting or messaging other bloggers and fans will guarantee you some action and there are groups and networks especially for fashion bloggers you can join! Stickers or business cards, plus the obvious word of mouth are a great way to tell people you know in real life about your blog.

Who says business cards have to look a certain way, you're a fashion blogger- be creative! You can make your own out of paper or fabric that expresses your style and doesn't strain your shopping budget! Keep an ear out for people who compliment your fashion and make sure you send them to your new fashion blog!

4. Do research: keep up with trends and news/ learn tips and tricks

It can be helpful for traffic if you are up on the news, events or innovations in your realm of fashion, like new collections and trends. Find some solid resources maybe or a fashion blog that you admire and see what they are reporting on. It is good to know what is out there so you can be a part of a bigger network and stay relevant and unique! Searching and learning new tech-tips is another research job you will want to do - figuring out how to make your blog look and work the way you want it to is important. You can find custom blog templates and more for free all over the internet.

5. Be regular

Now that you have tons of amazing people reading and sharing your blog, you will want to keep them coming back for more. This means not disappearing and sporadically posting, but somewhat adhering to a schedule that makes your followers feel like your content is fresh and constant!

Following these 5 steps could help you take your love for street style, lolita fashion, goth and grunge blogs or celebrity yoga get ups, into a top fashion blog in no time! Anyone can become a blogger, just post what you know and stick to it!

To read the Author's fashion blog visit [ site can't be reached].

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