Make Money Writing Resumes and Curriculum Vitaes (CVs)
By Mark Hempshell
I've got a really different way for you to make money from writing here! Its easy, potentially
very profitable and perfect for right now.
Let me explain. You don't need me to tell you it's a bad time for the jobs market at
the moment. Well, here's a way you can take advantage of that in a positive way, whilst providing
a much-needed service to job seekers as well.
You see, with so much competition amongst job seekers it's harder than ever to find a
job right now. But after years of plentiful jobs lots of the recently-unemployed have few or
no job hunting skills. Many of them are desperate for help with putting together job applications
that will get them noticed.
If you've got half-decent writing skills you could make an honest profit from offering
a much-needed CV writing service. As well as making money you'll have the satisfaction of helping
hundreds or even thousands of people to find their perfect job.
As the jobs market becomes tougher I think there'll be a growing demand for CV writing
services so the time to get started in this is now. In many cases job applicants won't even
get an interview unless they have a smart looking CV or curriculum vitae.
Demand for this service exists in every city and town in the country ... and is growing.
Actually, CV writing is not really "proper" writing. If you're methodical and have an
eye for detail ... especially if you're good at writing lists ... it could be the perfect sideline
business for you. It's the sort of thing you could operate part time from home with very little
start up capital too.
You'll need a PC, although an old one will do. But you should have a good quality printer
- preferably a laser printer or very good quality inkjet. And always use the best quality paper
- preferably at least 120gsm bond - to print CVs onto.
To get started, get to know CVs inside out. There are plenty of books at the library
and in bookshops covering this. CVs today generally contain this information:
• Name
• Address
• Date of birth
• Phone numbers
• Job history, starting with current or last job held
• Special courses, education or training completed
• Formal education
• Activities while attending school: athletics, offices, awards, etc. (for younger applicants).
• Hobbies and special interests.
• Business and personal references (optional).
Practice your new skills by creating some sample CVs - for yourself, family and friends.
Tip. What I'd do is create your own basic template CV as a Word document. Load this onto
your PC. You can then cut and paste it for each customer, just changing the personal details.
Once you've got the basics set up you'll need to advertise. Advertising needn't cost
you much. However, it needs to be smart and professional.
For starters, contact your local newspapers and arrange to run a classified ad. every
day for the next six to twelve weeks. Once you've found a successful format you could even
advertise in national newspapers. Because you can write CVs for customers all over the country,
not just in your own area.
Also experiment with advertising on the Internet. Make some discreet posts in any forums
or chat rooms you use. You might also be able to get something going on Twitter or Facebook.
I haven't seen anybody doing this yet, but how about offering CVs on eBay?
When customers call you, all you need to do is go through your CV template with them
over the phone. Ask them for the relevant information and fill in the gaps. Print the finished
CV off and send it to the customer by post. Tip. This is very important. Proof read the finished
CV meticulously before you send it.
So OK, the customer could do this themselves. But a lot of today's job seekers haven't
a clue how to put together a great CV. Plus, chances are you will be able to think of good
things to mention, or spot errors, that the customer themselves might overlook.
If you want to exercise your writing skills a bit more you could even offer personalised
job application letters and CV covering letters too. You could probably charge a lot more for those.
Mark Hempshell is a freelance writer and the editor of Make Money Writing Newsletter.
You can sign up for a free subscription at: [the website cannot be found].
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