Use Windows Key Shortcuts

You may find it difficult to believe, but the early PCs didn't have a mouse or a touch pad. Everything was done with the keyboard. I know it sounds backward, but even though processors where crude and memory was scarce, using the keyboard you could actually do things a lot faster. By typing a DOS command you can copy a file way faster than by using a graphical File Manager.

I didn't quit using DOS for everyday tasks until the Windows 95 operating system was released. Along with Windows 95, keyboards with a Windows key were introduced. The Windows key is the key with the logo on it just to the left of the [Alt] key. The Windows key adds some functionality that can speed up your access the Windows Desktop and give you quick access to some useful utilities.

Below is a list of Windows key shortcuts that you may find useful.

Opens the Start menu
[e]Opens Windows Explorer
[d]Toggles show desktop by alternately minimizing or restoring all open windows
[f]Opens the Find dialog box
[l]Locks your PC. Enter your password to unlock it
[m]Minimizes all open windows so you can access the desktop
[Shift][m]Restores all minimized windows
[r]Opens the Run dialog box where you can enter a command line instruction
[Pause/Break]Opens the System Properties dialog box
[u]Opens Ease of Access Center dialog box where you can start accessibility utilities
[F1]Opens Help and Support dialog box
Maximizes the active window
Restores windows to their initial size
[+]Launches Magnifier
[Esc]Closes Magnifier

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