Avoid Cancer by Using USB Wired Keyboard and Mouse

The dangers of electromagnetic radiation have been known since as far back as 1979 when University of Colorado epidemiologist Nancy Wertheimer, Ph.D., firmly established a connection between power lines and childhood leukemia. Her study showed that children living near power lines had three times the likelihood of developing cancer.

In 1992 the government of Sweden completed a study of the effects of electric fields from overhead power lines on 500,000 people over a period of 25 years and found that electric fields generated cancer in children at 4 times the normal rate and 3 times the normal rate in adults.

human head cooked by cell phone

Cell phone microwave radiation is identical to the radiation inside your microwave oven, except at lower power. This is a thermal image of a human head after being cooked by a 15-minute cell phone call.

In 1995, Dr.Henry Lai and Dr. Singh at Washington University proved that animals exposed to cell phone radiation resulted in double-strand breakage in DNA creating serious genetic alterations that can lead to cancer, cell death and mutagenic problems.

A 1997 study at Royal Adelaide Hospital found that mice exposed to microwave radiation similar to cell phone antenna emissions for 30 minutes twice a day for 18 months have a more than double rate of cancer.

A 2001 study at University of Essen in Germany found that people who regularly use cell phone are 3 times more likely to develop uveal melanoma, a cancer that grows in the iris and base of eye retina.

A 2002 study at National Research Council in Bologna, Italy, found that cell phone radiation caused damage to DNA which promotes the growth of cancer cells.

Study after study has found that electromagnetic radiation, especially the microwave radiation released by cell phones causes cancer. Why has no government banned this deadly form of radiation. Simply for economics reasons. The cell phone industry generates trillions of dollars of economic activity and banning cell phones at this time would cause a crushing world-wide economic depression.

No microwave radiation USB wired keyboard and mouse

This Microsoft USB wired spill-resistant keyboard and optical mouse has easy plug and play setup. You'll enjoy Quiet Touch keys, a comfortable ambidextrous mouse, Microsoft quality and reliability, and no microwave radiation.

In light of the above information, do you really want to sit in front of, lay your hands on, and wrap your hand around a wireless computer mouse? It's not necessary to take that risk. Wired keyboard and mouse are still available, although getting harder and harder to find.

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