Eight Step Guide to Generating an Affiliate Income by Tamba Joseph Foyah

Okay - So you recently discovered that you would like to start making money online but:

You rather not pay the expenses - you are down on your luck and don't have the funds to pay
You rather not create a website because of all the hassle
PPC, SEO and CPL are all internet acronyms that you rather not learn or be bothered with
You just want to find a quick and easy way to make a few bucks.

Does this sound like you? Good - Because I'm about to discuss the easiest way to making money online. And best of all, it's FREE.

After this there's not going to be any extra clicks, or clicks referring you somewhere else - this is a see-through honest method that has been proven through research and the trial of error of others. However, remember the old saying? "Nothing works if you don't take action!" Even if you are not very motivated a few clicks a day on your part is all that is needed to start seeing some results. The more clicks you put in the more results you'll see.

Simply follow this guide step-by-step and soon enough you'll be mailing me to talk about your success story.

Finding a Niche Product

ClickBank - an affiliate network

1. Go to and sign up - make sure choose an affiliate ID that can be easily remember because you'll be using it quite often

2. Weight loss, internet marketing, dating and muscle building are the top four income generating niches on Clickbank.

3. Carefully go through the list to find products that you are interested in promoting.

4. Select the ones of interest and click promote. Hint: Sorting products by "Gravity" is recommended.

5. A pop-up screen will appear with the two types of links that you can use to promote the offer.

6. Simply copy the links and place them into a word document. Make sure to save the file in a place and under a name that's easily remembered.

7. Now that you have a product you're ready to start making money online in the easiest way you ever thought possible.

Promoting Your Niche Product


1. Go to Twitter to create a niche account that is relative to the product niche you selected at Clickbank. Make sure to use a username that will draw attention. Example: FitnessNut21 is the name of my weight loss niche account on Twitter. Or you can choose to be real like I did with my affiliate marketing account: TambaJFoyah

2. Go to and get the image of a sexy guy or girl to use as your profile image. Research shows that those kinds of profiles attract more followers.

3. Use a catchy phrase as your description to tell your followers what you're about.

4. Remember that affiliate link you saved in the word document? Well retrieve it, go to the website to shorten it and then use it as the website link for your account.

5. Research someone who is influential in your niche, find their twitter account and begin to follow their followers like crazy. Click on the follower's account then click "Follow". Research shows that 1 in 4 people you follow will follow you back without even looking at your page.

6. RT (Retweet) their (the famous person) tweets and add the shortened affiliate link into your retweet.

7. Find an interesting fact in your niche, tweet it and add the affiliate link.

8. Reply to what others tweet with a helpful, relevant response once again adding your link to the tweet.

9. Tweet something controversial, NOT outrageous about your niche and add the link to your tweet. The idea here is that any interaction on twitter yields access to your affiliate link. After all generating clicks on the link is your first step to getting paid.

Yahoo Answers

1. Go to Yahoo answers and register with the same username you used for your niche account on Twitter (This simply makes it easy to remember).

2. Click on the answer tab and "Browse Open Questions", search for your questions in your niche, Example: "Lose Weight"

3. Answer their question to the best of your knowledge and once again link back to your affiliate link. Try to avoid making it sound like a sales pitch. Example: "I had the same issue a little while back and it was very frustrating, but I recently found something that works really well for me. I've already lost X amount of weight and I feel great. It worked for me so I believe it can work for you too. You just might love it as much as I do" - then add in your affiliate link to lead them to the product.

4. Try to answer about a dozen answers a day within your niche.

5. This is not limited to Yahoo Answers; it can be done on any site where people go for advice.


1. Go to and sign up for an account if you don't already have one. Once again make sure to use the same login details as Twitter.

2. Find some famous fan pages that have a lot of "Likes" and activity.

3. Use Google to research the top 10 famous people for your fan page list. Names of country also work very well. Fan pages are better to use than adding friends because you don't have to wait to be accepted. Time is money and we don't want to waste either.

4. Find the pages with the best results and "Like" them. This allows you access to the page so you can post content on the wall.

5. Post something interesting and include the shortened URL link back to your affiliate offer.

6. Be mindful of the amount of times and the amount of walls you spot on. If it begins to appear like spamming Facebook will block you. Just make sure to choose a wall with a lot of traffic (activity).

I Hope this article helps jump start your affiliate marketing career. These are the same principles that I've used so there is no reason why they won't work for you.

Commenting (Forums and Blogs)

1. Commenting is a great way to gain some free traffic to your website. Not only will you be helping and interacting with others but you'll also be increasing the exposure to your affiliate offer.

2. Google some forums that are related to the niche in which you chose your affiliate product. If you're involved in internet marketing like I am then a couple good ones for you would be and (You're welcome). There are more out there but you'll have to do some research.

3. Signing up for these forums is a very easy process but it could take some time creating new profiles for each forum (keep the login you create consistent). Once you're signed up for a few, log in and begin interacting with others by commenting on good posts.

4. NEVER, EVER introduce yourself. I learned this the hard way so take it from me when I say act like a veteran and just get active.

5. Find posts that are relevant to your product⁄niche and reply to them. If you don't have a suitable response then Google one. You'll be surprise what you find.

6. Make sure your comments are relevant and sound natural. It didn't take long for me to realize that people in those forums seriously frown upon been advertised to and they won't hesitate to let you know. Don't sell anything yet.

7. Most of these forums require that you have a minimum of ten posts before you can create a signature or put a link in your profile so get active.

8. Once you have ten comments you'll be upgrade. This is when you can use your affiliate product link in your comment signature and as part of your profile. This way you're not selling anything but still giving your offer exposure.

9. The other highly lucrative place to comment is on relevant blogs in your niche. Don't copy and paste comments, type something new and natural.

10. Most blogs require that you sign in before commenting so use that to your advantage by using the link in your profile. This way when someone clicks on the name in your comment they are taken to your affiliate product.

11. If your comment is relevant and helpful you've already presold them on what you're promoting.

12. In your comment itself you can recommend your affiliate product depending on what the topic is at hand.


1. Go to and create a profile using the same login details as your other social profiles like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

2. When creating your profile make sure to put the link to your affiliate offer in the spot where it asks for your website.

3. Search for high traffic videos in your niche and leave some relevant comments. I suggest leaving any links out of your comments because they are so many others doing it that your comment will not stand out or worst come off as spam. With strong comments readers will want to know more about you. They will link back to your profile where they can find the link to your offer.

4. If you are very comfortable with your niche you can take it one step further by making your own video that's relevant to the product you're promoting using a simple webcam.

5. In the resource box (author box) recommend your affiliate product in a soft-sell manner. Example: For Weight Loss niche; "I used to struggle with my weight and everything I tried in the past always yielded the same results, NOTHING! But that was till I tried this product (your affiliate offer). It worked really well for me. I feel better than I have in years so I highly recommend you try it too."

6. Everyone loves a recommendation so this should help in getting clicks to your affiliate offer.


1. This one is a simple way of getting some of your associates (friends, coworkers, etc) to view your offer. Don't assume they won't be interested because then you're already limiting your audience.

2. Create a personal email that will entice them to click through to your offer, especially if it's in a niche that may be of interest to them.

3. Increase the exposure of your email by encouraging others to forward it. Offer a prize to the person with the most forwarded email to generate some competition. Unless you have the money to shell out on an expensive prize, something unused that you already own should work just fine.

1. This promotion strategy is by far the easiest and quickest way to promote your offer, however it is going to cost you about $5.

2. is a site where people around the world offer to perform a wide range of services for only five bucks. For the price of a subway footlong you can get anything from having someone roll in the grass wearing a bunny outfit, to doing a voice over, to tweeting your post to their followers.

3. Sign up for a free account and once again try to use the same login details as your other social profiles.

4. Go to and sign up for an account if you don't already have one. PayPal is the payment processing service that Fiverr uses to process your order.

5. Back on Fiverr, search for "Social Networking". You will get a listing of over a hundred people who will promote your product for $5.

6. Look through the results and choose someone who not only has lots of positive feedbacks from other users but also plenty of Facebook fans or friends and Twitter followers.

7. Click on a promotion service that they are offering and the site will guide you through the PayPal payment processor. Simply use the PayPal account information that you set up in step 4.

8. Be sure to check that the person delivered on the service you paid for.

9. Once you begin to see some results you can do this over and over to get more exposure to your affiliate offer.

10. Down the line it can even be used to promote new offers that you decide to promote regardless of the niche that they are in.

Sidenote: Another great affiliate network that I would recommend is where you can sign up in five easy steps and begin promoting products instantly. Their advertisers offer some of the best of the best payout percentages in the business.

And there we have it folks, eight simple steps that are sure to jumpstart your online income. It is highly unlikely that you won't make any money with the methods I've shown provided you follow the steps properly and put in the amount of work necessary. If you're are not seeing the kind of results that you want in the beginning then just keep tweaking it till your income generating machine is running on all cylinders. Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb on one try so the key is to keep working at it.

Tamba Joseph Foyah is internet marketer and blogger who's passion is using his experience in the industry to educate others on ways of making a living online. See how you can start making $100 - $200 per day online. For more informative content visit his Blog [ This site can't be reached].

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• Make More Money, Build An Affiliate Marketing Opt-In List
• ClickBank Dormant Account Policy
• Three Free Places to Find Hot Products to Promote - No Website Needed
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• Affiliate Marketing Tips - Making an Affiliate Website
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• Selling Digital Products Through ClickBank