Eight Steps to Blogging Success

Today there are over 120 million blogs. It seems like everyone is reading and writing blogs. This massive online community is often referred to as the "blogosphere". People blog for many reasons from just for fun and establishing their credentials, to building awareness about a business and making money. Below are some steps to take if you want to start a successful blog.

1. Pick a topic that you're passionate about. To be successful a bog must updated frequently with fresh material. Make sure that you have a passion about the topic that will motivate you to write frequently.

2. But don't pick a topic that you're too passionate about. For example, I'm passionate about gun control. I'm extremely disturbed about the carnage of our society caused by guns and I think it's obvious that people are too stupid to own guns. As you can imagine, if I were to make this a topic for a blog, all I would do is piss off a lot of people.

3. Pick a popular topic. The size of your blog's audience will depend upon the number of people who are interested in what you're writing about. Use keyword research to determine the potential size of the audience that would be interested in any particular topic.

4. Pick a topic that's not already extensively covered. Even though your blog may be about a popular topic, it will be difficult to attract a significant ortion of that audience if there are a thousand other blogs dedicated to the same topic.

5. Build relationships. Write in a conversational tone. Make contact with other bloggers. Respond to comments posted on your blog and sent to you by email.

6. Create a presence in the blogosphere. Visit other blogs and forums related to the same topic as your blog and leave relevant comments. Post some of your best blog entries on free article content sites with a resource box at the bottom containing a link to your blog.

7. Keep up with the latest trends in the blogosphere. Keep informed of new blogging tools and methods, new blogs and what's going on in the blogosphere.

8. Be creative. Try making some changes in the layout of your blog. Try new features. Try writing content that is on the fringes of your blog's topic.

Today it seems like everyone is reading and writing blogs. Whether you want to start a blog just for fun, or to make money, follow these eight steps and your blog will attract a large audience and be a great success.

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