A Guide to the Online Marketplace for Crafts and Handmade Products
In a world where most products are manufactured by machines, Etsy offers an online platform for makers of handmade products and crafts to market and sell their goods to a vast network of buyers who demand unique, genuine products. To date, the site has attracted over 400,000 sellers who collectively have sold over 30 million items, generating more than $180.6 million in revenue. The only resource of its kind, How to Make Money Using Etsy - written by Tim Adam who has successfully been selling his products all over the world through his Etsy shop since 2007 - guides readers step-by-step through the many stages of selling online. How-to topics include:
• Establish your Etsy shop
• Effectively photograph your products
• Post your products to optimize visibility and increase sales
• Brand your business
• Use social media like blogs, Twitter, and Facebook to connect with buyers and grow your business
Partial Contents:
• Etsy Terms You Should Know
• The Etsy Community
• Basic Product Questions
• Marketing and Branding
• General Online Selling
• Product Research
• Basic Google Search
• Increasing Your Google Rank
• Google Trends
• Google Insights
• eBay Pulse
• Etsy Search
• SEO Definned
• Keyword Research
• Key Phrase Evaluation
• Uploading Pictures
• Shipping
• Blogging
• Quick Twitter Overview
• Twitter Terms You Should Know
• Promoting Your Products on Facebook
• Facebook Fan Page versus Personal Page
• Facebook Fan Page versus Groups
• Facebook Terms
• Facebook Stats
• Facebook Insights
Back in the olden days - you know, circa 2004 or so - artists and craftspeople had to drag their portfolio and wares to galleries and craft shows, and popularity in the local market didn't mean an end to your day job. But thanks to Etsy, a website that connects makers of handmade products and crafts with buyers, those same artisans can now market and sell their goods to a worldwide network of motivated shoppers.
Etsy.com is the newest tool of the arts and crafts trade, and How to Make Money Using Etsy is your instruction manual. To date, the site has attracted over 400,000 sellers who collectively have sold over30 million items, generating more than $180.6 million in revenue.
Whether an Etsy newbie or a veteran seller, you'll get a step-by-step guide to running a successful Etsy shop. Successful Etsian Tim Adam leads you through the Etsy community, including the forum, where fellow Etsians offer support and critiques vital to defining your brand; the Etsy Storque blog; and the Etsy Teams, like-minded sellers who help promote each other's work.
Mastering your craft is only step one in developing a successful Etsy brand. You'll learn how to:
o Properly set up your Etsy shop and start listing your handmade goods
o Develop a good keyword and search engine optimization strategy
o Create compelling blog content to drive traffic to your Etsy shopv
o Promote your brand through Facebook and Twitter
In a world where nearly everything has been made by machine, the demand for handcrafted goods is growing. You know how to make the products - now master the age-old craft of making money.
Ira Mency of Danforth, Maine says, "I've been selling on Etsy for awhile; and I'm a vintage seller. I'd like to think by reading the Storque and all of Etsy's updates that I would know everything there is to know. I bought this book because I knew anyone as successful as marketing guru Tim Adams, may have something worth reading. I can't tell you how glad I am that I did. I quickly realized how much it was I didn't know and probably never would have known if it wasn't for this book.
It has far exceeded my expectations.
The book is loaded with how-to diagrams and screen shots, so that you can understand every step of what Tim is talking about. It's not just about selling on Etsy, that's a big part of it but it's loaded with simple tips and tricks that you can use to market your shop and gain more exposure. It talks about trending, finding your market niche, blogging, and SEO. Basically, it's marketing techniques that are proven to work. Put it this way, I also bought a SEO⁄marketing book not too long ago this book puts that one to shame.
On top of that there's interviews with Etsy top sellers. Their tips and tricks and secrets. Things you always wanted to know but couldn't ask, well, it's in there.
Here's an example, the first night I was only on page 12-13 when I learned something new - a tool that I should have been using all this time (for years) that is free. I worked on that for awhile, to learn and master that - I could not believe the resources available to me for free that I hadn't been tapping into. Then, I read to page 90 taking in tons of new information. I'm still reading because it's a learn as you go book and Tim shows you how to use the tools he's talking about.
I can't say how much this has helped me as an Etsy seller. It doesn't matter if you sell vintage, supplies, or handmade on Etsy, you need this book. It is worth it's weight in gold."
Click here for more information.
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• Paying Taxes on Craft Show Sales
• Making Natural Liquid Soaps
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