Craft Shows - Finding One Near You by Natalie Goyette

In response to several queries I have had over the past few months, I have compiled a list of places where you can find a craft show near you. This information is only as accurate as the last updates made to the websites I have listed, so it is always a good idea to make a phone call or two to see if the shows in your area are still up and running.

Following are a variety of directories and listings for craft shows across North America:

Craft Site Directory - This directory is filled with links to regional and specialized craft shows across the country.

Craft Lister - This site boasts over 13,000 listing for craft shows from all over. Once again it has regional shows and also provides a description of many of the craft shows available. A login to view detailed information is required.

Crafts Fair Guide - This listing not only provides craft shows, but for a fee you can get detailed information and reviews on the craft shows that are on this site.

Art Fair Source - With listings of juried art and craft shows, this site provides statistics on top-selling events along with sales statistics that can help you decide if you are choosing a qualified event for your craft.

Craft Shows USA - This site provides listing information for craft shows in all of the 50 states, and also has crafting resources and even a craft show promoter's page for reference.

If you are just starting your craft show business, keep in mind the cost of a craft show, how far it is to travel, as well as things like the traffic at the event, the types of crafts that are sold at the show, and what sort of amenities it has (computer access for payment, electricity outlets, booth size, etc).

Choosing the right craft show for your operation is important to making a good profit in this business. If you are selecting shows that aren't giving you a good return on your investment, then you might need to do a little more research to get the best bang for your buck!

Don't forget to bookmark the sites you like. This handy feature available in all browsers will save you lots of time searching for scraps of paper with all the urls you have collected. You can even organize your "favorites" into folders to truly organize your online life. Hint: often times pressing the ctrl key plus the letter d will bookmark a site.

Natalie Goyette shows you how to make your craft show business profitable in her best selling ebook: Craft Show Success Secrets. Visit her site: [ parked domain].

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More Make Money With Crafts Ideas:
• Turn Your Crafting Hobby into a Home Business Success
• Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks for Selling at Craft Shows
• Making money with craft show customer service!
• Are You Making Money At Craft Shows?
• Selling Crafts - Wholesale vs. Retail Sales
• Which Craft Shows Do I Choose?
• Production and Pricing of Craft Show Items
• A Craft Industry Analysis
• Craft Show Merchant Accounts
• How to Make Money Using Etsy