Creative ways to make money: You have a money machine inside of your mind. It's time to use it. The internet can be your primary tool, but not necessarily.
Pablo Picasso once remarked, "The chief enemy of creativity is "good" sense."
If you want the same old results, just keep thinking the same old way. The World Wide Web is an incredibly huge market and it is free to all. It is especially inviting to those who seek creative ways to make money.
One thing to keep in mind when you think of making money is how much will you have to invest and how large is the risk? So conventional wisdom went, anyway. No longer is it required to risk rack and ruin to start a business, whether it is a new type or something along old, familiar lines.
If you have ever wanted to use your creativity to make money, the time has never been better. What are some of the creative ways to make money? All of these are a heck of a lot easier if you go on the internet. Here are nine to get you started:
1. You can create and sell your own unique version of plans, patterns or software for
something you enjoy. Anything from stuffed bunnies to experimental aircraft.
2. You can be a sales representative for something you love, but couldn't afford to do.
As an example, if you love Mercedes Benz cars, but could never afford one, you can
become an affiliate for a dealer and never have to leave home to sell your beauties.
3. You can write your own ebook and sell it. You can also sell other peoples' ebooks.
4. Love old books? Start a web site on collecting, pricing, buying, restoring and storing
old and rare books. You can also write and sell your own ebooks on old books!
5. You can become a commission internet salesperson for companies like Amazon. (You can
actually do this with anything: hospital medical equipment, asphalt plants, bulldozers.
Anything can be sold from a web site).
6. You can create your own online bookstore using Amazon and other companies without even putting up a shelf.
7. You can create your own brand of children's birthday party ideas and items.
8. You can become an online consultant on anything you are well versed in.
9. If there is an unusual hobby you have, it might be possible to create a profitable
web site about it. For example, I know a lady who does well with a site involving just
antique china dolls.
The list goes on and on when it comes to creative ways to make money, but I think you get the idea.
Where to start? Right now, you should feel like a kid set loose in a candy shop on a shopping spree. Taking your time and learning the ropes properly, you can create multiple streams of income all revolving around your creativity, talents and interests. It doesn't get any better than this, folks.
It will take work and patience, however. On the other hand, if you are doing something you love, long hours and setbacks won't seem like work, will they?
Oh, did I mention that you should go after something you love to do? For the first time in your life, you are being encouraged to pursue just what you love, not what someone else thinks will sell or will be popular or in demand in the future.
Edwin Land (The creator of the Polaroid camera) said, "An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail. Every creative act is a sudden cessation of stupidity."
Choose something you love to do and the ideas will flow freely. If you are attracted to a really small niche where there are not that many people interested, that's perfectly alright. There are ways to get others with the same interest to gather around you, to become followers of yours. You can sell to and create with these people. They will have new ideas for you to examine, get excited about and to incorporate into your business.
Taking your time, you will find that almost everything mentioned here is free. There are many places like and that let you create a website with them free. Don't know how? They have excellent tutorials and they, also, are free.
Creative ways to make money: How far can you count? How happy do you want to be? You are free to create anything you want. There is cheap software that allows you to make your own videos and put them on the internet. You're a plumber and love the work? Set up a plumbing information expert site..
Don't know how to create a website? Do a Google search. There are plenty of freetutorials.
There is no end to the creative ways to make money. Here are a few more and good luck!
1. Set up a site selling video tutorials you have made of anything that interests you. Maybe you show how to draw, how to bake an angel food cake, how to change the engine in a '53 Pontiac, how to train your dog to roll over. On and on. The potential is incredible.
2. Become your own best travel agent. Go places, video it and show it on your site and sell airfare to it.
3. You love to quilt? Set up your own quilting site with videos you created. Sell fabrics and patterns that you either bought or create yourself.
4. While having yourself a blast, you can earn serious income without leaving home. It's called the 30 second commute,
Do you want to learn more about Creative Ways To Make Money? If so, click on Creative Ways To Make Money where I will explain to you more about the internet and introduce you to a massive free library of instantly downloadable FREE ebooks.
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